Other Activities
Arts and Crafts Circle
Do you enjoy knitting? Cross-stitch? Painting?
Every Monday morning from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm, the Fisher Heights Community Centre at 31 Sutton Place hosts an informal get-together of people who enjoy crafting and creating. It’s a fun and light-hearted chance to spend time with your friends and neighbours while pursuing a hobby you enjoy and finding inspiration for your next project.
We learn from each other and chat about wildly different topics. Come join us for coffee and great conversation.
The costs include a membership in the Fisher Heights & Area Community Association at $5 per year, plus a nominal contribution per month.
For more information, contact Don Black or at 613-712-0123.
Bridge Club

The Fisher Heights Bridge Club is an informal, volunteer-run organization whose objective is to foster a friendly, social game of bridge. The Club is structured so as to emphasize this social aspect.
We host two bridge sessions each week, at Fisher Heights Community Place, 31 Sutton Place:
- Tuesdays from 1 pm to 3:30 pm
- Thursdays from 7 pm to 9 pm
There’s a modest fee of $2 per session, plus a $5 yearly membership fee. A portion of the funds collected is used to organize a spring or summer social gathering.
We operate under the sponsorship of the Fisher Heights & Area Community Association. As such, we are primarily focused on providing recreational opportunities to the residents of this community. We do welcome others from outside the local community, but from time to time we may reach the full capacity of our facilities, and have to limit the number of new members. We will give priority to local residents at such times.
Because we are volunteer-run, players are encouraged either to show up at least 20 minutes early to help with set up, or to help with take-down and clean-up after the sessions.
Everyone is welcome to play, although at least a rudimentary knowledge of the game is required. Members of the club have a variety of experience levels, and the more advanced players are always happy to help others if they have questions. Members do not play with a regular partner. Rather, partnerships are decided by drawing numbers at each session.
Rules of Conduct
As noted above, the Club is structured so as to promote the social aspect of the game. With this goal in mind:
Participants should treat each other with courtesy and respect. Assisting a newer member is a given at our club, to help others enhance their game, but it should be done in a timely and helpful manner, and so as not to embarrass anyone at the table. Using the words “could have” rather than “should have” is a friendly way of helping.
Below are excerpts from the 21 Rules of Being a Good Partner by Marty Bergen (www.fifthchair.org)
- If you feel the urge to be nasty, sarcastic, critical or loud, excuse yourself and take a walk.
- Do not ever criticize or embarrass your partner in front of others.
- Remember that bridge is only a card game (and, our club’s executive notes, it adds a lot to our social well-being.)
Yoga is a fantastic way to stay physically active and emotionally centred. To promote this, members of the community gather regularly at Fisher Heights Community Place (31 Sutton) to practice yoga together. We do this, not with a live instructor, but rather to a large variety of video tapes and DVDs by some of the best known teachers of yoga.
Evening gentle yoga sessions are held every Monday from 7:30pm to 8:30pm. FHACA membership is required to join.
Please contact Karen Gordon at 613-274-7505 for more information.
Note that the schedules sometimes change due to statutory holidays.

Playgroup returns to Fisher Heights Community Centre every Friday 10:30 to 11:30. The association provides the toys for children who’d like to socialize.
Contact us at info@fhaca.ca for more details.