FHACA relies on volunteers to help with various special events throughout the year. Meet new people, learn new skills and make a difference in your community!
There are so many ways to pitch in, volunteers take on tasks including:
- Placing signs within the neighbourhood to advertise upcoming events
- Assisting with set-up and take-down on the day of events
- Serving food and beverages during events
- Interacting with event participants
FHACA events include:
- Winter Carnival
- Rummage Sale
- Corn Boil
- Annual General Meeting (AGM)
- Pumpkin Parade
The time commitment can be as little as one or two hours. If you don’t see something that matches your interests, contact us anyway! We always need help with outreach, coordination, and more. You can email us at events@fhaca.ca.
Time spent helping the FHACA can be used towards school volunteer requirements.
Please enter your contact info here to be added to our volunteer email list. We will contact you in advance of our special events and fit your skills to our opportunities. We greatly appreciate our volunteers’ contributions!